This Is Harder Than I Thought
This Is Harder
Than I Thought
It started as a lark
Running for president
I had grown bored
of The Apprentice
And Melania bored
of me
So I donned my flag pin
And a longer than life
Red China tie
And stood on the stage
With the rest of the crowd
Of Obama, woman, health
Care hating crowd.
In a crowd of naysayers
I crowed the loudest. My
Orange comb the proudest
And I strutted and cackled
And promised and tackled
Every issue with a madness
Unseen in politics since probably
Caligula or Nero or Nixon
On his worse day on those
Missing eighteen minutes of tape.
Now it’s been a hundred days
And I must admit to all
That being president to half
That number of states isn’t
A piece of chocolate cake
Even one served to me while
I released the mother of all bombs.
So, I spend my days twittering
Explanations as to why I have
Very little success to report…except
Filling a stolen seat on the S. Court.
But I can spout contradictory statements
Or release them to my Kelly or Spicer
And they will do their best to explain
How if two wrongs don’t make a right
Possibly a countless number can.
……alan greenwood