This was a sketch of me done by an art student. More an interpretation of me than a close representation. Everyone sees us differently. We see ourselves differently than anyone or everyone else. And we are constantly changing, so it’s really hard to tie anyone down to a certain perception. We live and learn. We make mistakes and, hopefully, move on. Experience growth. Experience failure. Undergo success. Play our part in the grand experience until curtain call or fade to black.
Sometimes it would be a good thing to look at ourselves through someone else’s eyes. One thing I learned along the way is that when a man tells his wife that she’s beautiful, he really means it, and the wife doesn’t have the right to try to change his mind by saying the things we women say. “Noooo. My hair isn’t done” or ” Noooo. My face is broken out” or some of the other words we use to pooh-pooh the compliment. It’s all about interpretation. He looks at her and sees the mother of his children, his life partner, his whole world. That’s how he interprets her. Women should bring themselves to understand that.
Sometimes it would be a good thing to look at ourselves through someone else’s eyes. One thing I learned along the way is that when a man tells his wife that she’s beautiful, he really means it, and the wife doesn’t have the right to try to change his mind by saying the things we women say. “Noooo. My hair isn’t done” or ” Noooo. My face is broken out” or some of the other words we use to pooh-pooh the compliment. It’s all about interpretation. He looks at her and sees the mother of his children, his life partner, his whole world. That’s how he interprets her. Women should bring themselves to understand that.